#tricks... and tips!

Carpe Diem! - Marco Moreo Milano
The calm after the storm. It’s not merely a metaphor to describe a Sunday morning after a hectic week. I’m talking about the literal (and meteorological) meaning of the expression – finally, after days of rain, the sun is shining!...
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Generational leap? - Marco Moreo Milano
Partly because it's my job, partly because I just can't help myself, I often find myself chatting away with amazing ladies, from colleagues and friends to acquaintances and random women I bump into at social gatherings. And let me tell...
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Never go without! - Marco Moreo Milano
Have you ever noticed how everyone has their own little rituals they practise or items they never go without, or else something just feels wrong? There’s the friend who won’t leave the house without makeup, the one who’s always dabbing...
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Light therapy! - Marco Moreo Milano
I admit it: in my own way, I am weather-sensitive! Not so much because I struggle with the gloomy days (living in Milan, we would be complaining all the way from October through to April!), but because the first sunshine...
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Cold feet when it comes to romance? - Marco Moreo Milano
In this past week dedicated to love, I found myself observing people in love busy with their Valentine’s Day preparations or listening to the vocal musings of some sceptical singles. I realised that romance is not out of fashion, but...
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