#tricks... and tips!

Freedom of expression… with every step! - Marco Moreo Milano
Every Sunday morning, it’s the same old story. Freed from the constraint of having to dress professionally, I find myself standing in front of my wardrobe scratching my head, wondering what to wear. I can’t help but envy the days...
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Colour etiquette? - Marco Moreo Milano
Every now and then I fall into the trap of leaving the TV on in the background on my Sunday mornings... I happen to come across those lifestyle programmes that give advice on this and that topic. And partly out...
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Dress to impress… yourself! - Marco Moreo Milano
Sunday morning is my go-to time for some serious self-reflection. Free from the weekday frenzy, I can actually take the time to notice things I usually rush past, mindless and distracted. So, this Sunday, I found myself fixating on something...
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New year’s resolutions? - Marco Moreo Milano
All week long, I’ve been seeing women’s magazine covers splattered with various methods to remedy the (physical) side effects of the festive season.From the most unlikely diets to exotic gym classes to hugely expensive beauty treatments designed to get you...
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Providential cold? - Marco Moreo Milano
It cannot be denied: as we get to know each other better, it becomes clearer to me that you women have an eye for beauty, usefulness and positivity 💡even in situations that would normally throw us men into the depths...
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